Saturday, November 27, 2010


At the end of the day through all the headaches and conflicts at Sao Mai, I am pleased to say that I’ve genuinely enjoyed my time at Sao Mai. Despite the things that I felt were wrong or can be improved, I’m happy that I was able to be so involved with the organization. It was a great opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the Sao Mai and work with the most adorable two and three year-olds ever!

I remember walking up the stairs to the classrooms and I was praying to God that Nancy or Lan would be assigned the first room, but lucky for me, Chi Phuong that I would be working with cô Vinh and cát chị. I was petrified by the facts that I got babies because I was always scared of them crying and me not knowing what to do with them besides picking them up which would be a bad habit because that would only reward their bad behavior and whining.

The other day, I was walking with someone (sorry forgot who you were <3 Mai?) and I told them that kids don’t like me and they only like me when I 1) inflict pain on myself or someone 2) get them toys and 3) give them candy. But here it was a totally different environment, the kids are so loving and they always cling on to me (one little boy in particular clung onto me because I had access to leave the room and so he wanted to follow me -_-) LOL just kidding but yeah. I know them all by name and each child has such a unique personality.

I think that I’ve grown a lot through this process of working with kids. To some these could have special needs and are not capable of many things, but to me, they’re just kids. They play, they run, they eat just like we do.

Furthermore, I would like to thank Trung Tam Sao Mai, Chi Phuong, the teachers, and for trusting Lan, Nancy and I with painting the playground for the kids and Paulina and Nina for helping us out. You guys are so awesome and you guys have such big hearts. I was very afraid at first that we were not going to finish out project or that it would look “crappy” but it turned out beautiful when we all pulled our efforts together.

Regretfully though, we did not have the chance to the kids out to play on the newly painted walls. But you know, there’s always next year. And Anh Thai make sure we continue to work with Sao Mai because it is soooooo far from Hanu and the syringes on the sidewalks on the way to Sao Mai gives you such an adrenaline rush :/

Anyways, thank you Anh Thai, Thay Gerard and most of all Nancy and Lan for making this a wonderful experience for me <3 ily

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